Sunday, August 20

Home At Last

For those who care, I rolled into town at 3pm, Although it wasn't "that bad," I'm glad to be home and not dragging my bags through crowded stations, up stairs, onto and off of elevators and escalators, down long platforms, through narrow turnstiles and over the gap between platform and train.

Although it's slightly cooler than Tokyo here in town, it is by no means cool. The humidity is oppressive, but at least I get that mountain breeze running through the house, so I can't complain too much.

I've gotten all of my unpacking done, and almost everything is in its place already, groceries have been bought, my final journey blog is being written, I've betaed into the new Blogger, and my tummy is full of cold soba and lots of water.

That's all I've got.

Be kind to each other.

PS - just thought I'd mention that according to Yahoo Weather, this week is looking like mid-30s (upper 90s) and partly cloudy. That's not good. But at least I'm not in school.

Oh, and PPS - the shinkansen, while fast, wasn't that exciting. I didn't have a seatmate though. Bonus!


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