Monday, December 15

Nagoya for Christmas

Well, not exactly Christmas...

The Little Engine that Could
Or could it?

After having English Circle with "My Ladies" Saturday morning, P, Chris and I jumped a train to Nagoya for some Christmas shopping and just getting out of town for a bit.

Everyone settles in with their cameras.

We ran into David at the station, and made him sit with us.
This is what has been dubbed his "album cover" shot.

David Will Get on a Train.
We parted from David at the Higashiyama Line, he went his way, we went ours.

I Don't Know
Sakae Station

And What Would You Like for Christmas, Little Boy?
Chris makes a wish.

Chris and Paul spread holiday cheer at the Docomo store.
After Paul got accosted by the sales lady upon walking in.

Paul feels the holiday spirit at Marino.

Sumi, anyone?

Tis the Season for Ushi

Chris Gets a Hankerin' for a Rabies Shot

It's Kadomatsu Time!
Get yours at the 100-Yen Shop now!

Rockin' Out on a Shamisen
Sweet Shamisen Beats on the Corner

Scary, Scary Clown.
And it was rotating.

Essential Sakae Shopping

For the low, low price of 840 yen, this little memento was mine.

Abbey Sees the Light

Roused from his reading of Atlas Shrugged, Chris prepares for de-training.

From the station, it was direct to Michael and Youka's Christmas Party.

Michael fit a lot of folks into his house.

Thanks for the pics, Sayuri!

The End.


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