Monday, April 24

Good Use of Resources

On Saturday I was at my LMS for the Parents' Day, or whatever they call it. Basically the kids had to come to school for almost a full day of classes, soji, lunch, etc. so that their parents could see their classes in action. Now, I know that if the state of New Jersey, or any other state for that matter, tried to implement this program in the public schools, well, yes, you all know that no one would come. Even if the parents wanted to come in on a Saturday for 5 hours of classes, the students would be at home not laughing because they were all still asleep. Granted, these guys got today off, but still.

Anyway, I only had to go to one class, so I spent the day at my desk, in my suit, trying not to fall asleep and preparing the activity that I had planned for the one class. I also got to enjoy Tea Time. Hooray!!

The one class I had was with the ichinensei, and the parents - mostly mothers - trickled in. Now, unlike American public schools, in Japanese schools the students recognize when the teacher has entered the classroom. The class leader comes to the front, greets the class, the class responds in unison, then the leader says

"Kiritsu" Stand up
"Kyotsuke" Attention
"Rei" Bow
"Onegai shimasu" (all in unison, asking the teacher to do them the favor of teaching them)
"Chakuseki" Sit down

OR, in some of the English classes, the class leader, the teacher and the ALT(s) each greet the class with "Good morning, everyone!" or something along those lines, to which the class, in unison responds "Good morning Mr. ___" or whatever the person is called.

Although I have lunch with the ichinensei almost every time I'm at my LMS, on Saturday it was probably my second actual class with them. So, with a row of parents in the back, when it came time to respond to my "Good afternoon, everyone!" It was "Good afternoon......" Yes, they couldn't remember what to call me. So, I pretended to be mortified (which I kind of was), and sad and pretended to leave the room until A-sensei called me back. At least I got the parents and kids to laugh, and maybe it was a tension-breaker for everyone, as the kids were as nervous as A-sensei and I were!

After class it was the end of the day, and there was a meeting with the parents, faculty and PTA (not like the PTA here, as I never knew who was on the EP PTA or what they did) where the teachers were introduced to everyone. Of course, when it came time for my name, Kouchou-sensei apparently had forgotten my last name, because after announcing my position, whereupon I stepped forward and said "onegai shimasu" there was silence. So, again, the hand clapped to the forehead, feigned despair, laughs from the "audience" and we were back on track with my actual name. You may remember that he introduced me by my MALE supervisor's name at the Opening Ceremony! Oh, Kouchou-sensei!

Anyway, after the introductions there were many minutes of reading from what appeared to be some sort of budget or spending report, and I just couldn't take it, I was SO tired. Finally, A-sensei told me I could split, so split I did.

When I got home I was tired out of my mind, but it was too early to go to bed, so I had some coffee and tried to entertain myself on the computer. Just when I was getting bored with my anime a car pulls up and it's J, the high school ALT, whom I'd never met. Like an angel from heaven! We went out to eat, then hung out at her place chatting. Yea! I'm meeting people!

Today, at SS I was scheduled for 2, count 'em 2 classes. However, the first period class the teacher was just introducing it to the students (elective class), so he told me not to come. That left me with one class, lunch and soji. I get paid for this.

At lunch I was kicking butt - I'm working on a system to make shovelling it in less painful.
First, I put some of the rice back when it was being served in the teachers' room.
Then, I made sure to eat my rice and little pork thing first, along with ASPARAGUS (yes, you heard me, asparagus for public school lunch), before moving on to my soup. I thought I was good to go, but before I could finish my soup, and with my "Strawberry Fresh" (strawberries in jello) still to go, kids were getting up to take up their plates, etc. What?? Noo!!!!! I thought I was good! Foiled again. The kid next to me cheated, though. He didn't eat his soup. (Which, incidentally, doesn't come with a spoon - you drink it out of the bowl with chopsticks for help with the chunks).

After school M and I went to Uny (supermarket extraordinaire) for some sushi and chatting. Good Times and Good Sushi. Did a little food shopping afterwards and home I went.

And that was Monday. Tomorrow I'm at LMS, hooray!


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