Friday, April 28

Yatta Day!

Today was a fabulous day!

1. I could see that the sun was shining as soon as I got up. Blue skies!!!

2. Last night's Japanese lesson went well, so after #1 and #2 I was genki-ed up for some Japanese speaking at my LMS.

3. The sun was shining.

4. Good Times were had at school, as I was in a good mood (a phrase the sannensei's learned today!), so classes went well. Even the ichinensei had fun with me today! Hooray!

5. I used a lot of Japanese today - in full sentences!

6. I gave away one of my pieces of bread at lunch and managed to beat like 6 sannensei's in finishing. Enjoyed the Avril Lavine lunch music.

7. I went outside for yasumi and played catch with the boys. The sun was shining, it was warm, and I had fun. Even getting pegged in the thigh by a ball just before going in only heightened my spirits - and I used the phrase "an ja nai" which I was taught by my JTE, but which I may or may not have been told not to use with the kids. I think it's daijoubu to use it, at any rate, but the kids thought it was hysterical and kept saying it as we went inside.

8. The sun was shining and it was warm.

9. Got my groove on to the soji music.

10. Helped A-sensei through an ichinensei lesson where the entire JHS faculty and the teachers from the elementary school observed - the kids, not us, so much.

11. Watched the baseball team warm up, "participated"/gave advice with stretching, and soaked up some afternoon sun surrounded by mountains and the sounds of Japanese kids practicing baseball and the river flowing behind me.

12. Am now home, after a drive accompanied by Bump of Chicken on my iPod, ready for the weekend and only one day of school next week, at CS3, and then a 6-day weekend for Golden Week. Sweet.

Today's Rating: Super Excellent!


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