Garden Varieties
In other news I spent this glorious day reading outside, doing laundry, and photographing the various insect and arachnid phenomena around my house, mostly under the carport. Here are some of the shots:
The spider I posted the other day. I'm pretty sure she was dead for this one, poor thing, her little life burnt up like a match, so fleeting. But later on she was gone, perhaps blown down by the wind...
The encasement for a creature I'm not sure I want to see when it comes out. I hope it's some form of crazy butterfly, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be something more along the lines of a beetle.
Another angle on the same thing.
I have no idea what kind of eggs these are. My first thought was bees, as they look like the bee eggs the elementary kids showed me, but shouldn't those be in a hive somewhere?
The newest spider to move in under the carport. Funky-looking little guy.
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