Monday, October 2

Eggs in a Bowl

As soon as I put these four hard-boiled eggs in the bowl to cool I ran to get my camera. I'm so glad the picture came out as well as it did, in spite of a little reflection here and there. And now I'm so happy I decided to boil 4 instead of 3 or 5.

Today I had a "surprise" day off, surprise in that I'd forgotten my school had no classes until last night. No one told me to go anywhere else, so I slept in and stayed home.

Like yesterday, today has been a dreary, cool, rainy day, the kind for staying inside and drinking warm beverages. After a trip to the grocery store I actually cooked for lunch, albeit salmon with olive oil and garlic in the fry pan, but at least Valor didn't prepare it for me. Ok, so I did buy some green-beans with sesame and carrots, but at least I ate vegetables!

Today I have also discovered the new Movies section of iTunes. Like my law-abiding brother I still feel I should pay for music and I'm too scared to download with Limewire, so I paid for Duets and the first two episodes of Jericho. Although now that I've read a review of Duets I'm starting to wish I'd chosen another film... must be the reason why I'd never heard of it before... ah well. It's got to be better than Stick It, which I watched on YouTube yesterday.

Being sans DVD-player and not wanting to change my computer over to this region I've been wishing someone would make decent non-porn movies available for download. Ta-daa! The supply is limited, but I have faith that it will grow very quickly.

Well, that's all I've got for now. Keep it on the Real.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, as soon as I opened your blog today I was immediately drawn to this picture. I really like it, keep up the good photographizing.

Anonymous Todd

10:29 PM

Blogger Abbey said...

Thanks, man. I spend so much time "documenting" with the digital that I don't get many chances to be creative. I'm trying to bust out the black and white with the manual camera again. I miss it!

6:24 AM


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