Sunday, November 26

Thanksgiving... on Saturday

Getting cozy and making faces around the kotatsu.

Since I had a cold this week and spent Wednesday and Thursday in my PJ's, Thursday's Thanksgiving Throw-down was postponed until yesterday. Of course, that meant that most people weren't able to make it, which wasn't entirely bad. It made for a more intimate evening around the kotatsu, and more sangria for all who were interested.

En resumen, Melissa and my efforts were well-received - all of our dishes were devoured and praised, most of the food was consumed, appetizers included, and all involved had a good time. I was very pleased to have hosted a pleasant evening for adults, especially adults of another culture... yeah, me!

Highlight of the Evening: All the Good Sports sporting the monkey and wrestler masks from the other day's purikura adventure. Good Times. But to see those pics, you must go to flickr or here.

Today has been spent indoors drinking lots of cocoa in an effort to remain warm and save touyu (kerosene).

Good Times!

More faces and fun!


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