The 'Mags
This weekend provided excellent weather. On Saturday I took full advantage of the energy provided and had a thoroughly productive day: met some peeps in the morning, went for an ass-kicking run at noontime, did laundry, washed my car and had some cheap yet delicious ramen with the P-ster.
Saturday night my nose got to feeling like it had either had too much fresh air or it was coming down with something. Even though it felt the same in morning, I was still in denial and passed it off as simple allergies or something of the like.
By the time I got home from an afternoon in The 'Mags (Magome and Tsumago) Sunday night, however, there was no doubt that I had a cold, and that treacherous beast came on full blast, keeping me home from school both yesterday and today. And even though I've been home this whole time, I've only been able to work on my pics and blog in punches and jabs as I'm so beat.
In further weather news, yesterday morning we had a delicious "warm" rain, with lovely dripping and raindrops on leaves. I was able to enjoy the full extent of the rain sounds as the last three nights I've left the shutters open on my bedroom windows. Today is sunny and warmer outside than it is inside, allowing me to throw open the windows and air out this sick house.
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