Monday, May 1

Spring, oh, spring!

Not much to tell today other than that it was glorious shorts-weather again. Of course, I was in pants and a shirt most of the day as I was at school, but who's counting. I was at CS3 today, Good Times.

Thought of Grandpa Reed as I picked weeds out on the field during souji, played goalie during yasumi. Visited the kindergarten I'll be visiting in a couple weeks (Eek!) with O-sensei of the BOE. Drove around with the window open, the ol' iPod in one ear, flung open the house windows as soon as I got home from my grocery spending spree.

Now I am listening to the raucous frogs outside my window, reminding me of my post-Chile days in Hillside at Binghamton. Oh, those were the days.

I am now officially on Golden Week yasumi. Six days of who knows what.


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